Sunil Prakash Inteti's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Open Flash Chart’

Open Flash Chart in a Grails Application

Posted by Sunil on December 10, 2009

In my Grails project we had a requirement that we needed to show graphs. Our client wanted to go for a opensource solution. We decided on the option OpenFlashChart. Grails comes up with its plugin for OpenFlashChart. With Open Flash Chart we can easily show barchart, line chart, piechart, Area charts etc. Let me explain very briefly how Open Flash Chart works. Basically in a web page we need to add this open flash chart which is the swf object. We should provide swf object with a data-file which contains the data it displays. This data could come from backend as well.  When the web page is rendered the swf object tries to get the data and render the graph.  Lets look at how we can use this in a Grails application.

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